Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Benefits of being an independent woman xoxo

I always thought a guy went crazy for an independent women. A woman who could pay her own way through life, stand her own ground, make decisions, have opinions, and more importantly take care of herself and anyone else who comes along.
Now days, its rare to find a woman who isn't keen on the idea of taking care of herself. But the question is...do guys really like that type? The answer: yes, but you have to find him first!
If you're an independent woman you create your own happiness and your own happy endings. Why wait for a guy to make you feel good when you can take the steps to make yourself feel good! The rule of thumb should be to love yourself before you can fully love someone else.
Here is a scenario I came across recently with a gal pal of mine- She had been talking to a really interesting guy for quite some months, but the two had never taken it past friendship. To get his attention she thought she would "charm the pants off of him" as she put it, and send some cookies to his work. Guys do this with flowers all of the time, so she thought "Hmmm...maybe he will be impressed?" She went through with this plan and sent him a generous platter of gourmet cookies from a West LA cookie boutique. About a couple hours later she received a shocked and thankful text message from the man she was smitten on. Thinking that this was going to inspire him to look beyond their friendship he kindly thanked her for the cookies and went on about his day never calling her again.
Now, it's safe to say he rejected her, but why? Was he scared at such a daring gesture? She put herself out there only to find that he didn't really want to go there. BUT...that's part of being a strong independent woman. The ability to take risks without fear. Taking risks to find that guy who might step up to the plate, and return the gesture. There is nothing wrong with a woman stepping up to the plate and putting herself out there.
She could have easily gone into a whirlwind of depression and a crazy state of mind. Instead, she wrote it off as a sweet thing she once did, and that she would prob. always be remembered by....and on to the next guy she went!
Another situation was with another strong gal pal of mine taking a chance on a grocery store clerk she had been flirting with, all week. She goes into this store for the third time, checking out with the same cashier who had been flirting with her all week. Her smiles at her and blushes and right then she knew he wanted her. They continue to talk, the whole while he can't seem to wipe the smile off of his face. She leaves the store wanting more and so she gets into her car scribbles a her name and number on a piece of paper with the words..."Call me so I can take you to dinner!". She then finds one of his co-workers outside collecting carts and hands him the paper to give to the handsome cashier. She waits a couple days...no call. She waits a whole week, no call. She finally gives up after two weeks, and never returns to the store again.
What went wrong? Nothing! She made a move for something she wanted, and didn't get it. All this means is that she saved herself the time of getting to know someone who wouldn't have been worth it in the end. If he was as strong a man as she a woman then chances are he would have at least called her because it takes a strong person to make such a move, and who wouldn't want someone like that!
Both women finally found guys who were more at their level, and are in completely and utterly in love! All it took was a few risks, a few sweet gestures, and some courage. Alas...the benefits of being an independent woman. You get what you want...when you want it!
An independent woman creates her own happy endings.

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