Monday, October 7, 2013

Fat Girl Problems...

My inner fat girl is in tears. A few months ago, I decided to put myself on a somewhat of a diet. I shouldn’t really call it a diet. It’s more of a life style change! For some reason when I hear the word DIET, I just think RESTRICTION!!! I hate not being to have certain things….or feel deprived of certain things.
Before I started this journey I had  looked in the mirror one day and noticed my face getting fatter. BLEH! I started to examine how I looked in pictures before I met my fiancé, and I noticed my face was much thinner. (insert sad face here) Now when taking pictures I have to turn to a certain side to get that slim effect. Lately, it seems that my posing and creating that slim effect is not really working. My inner fat girl was one Big Mac away from winning and I really didn't want her to win.  
 I knew that if I take it slow and cut things out little by little, it will all become part of my routine! That’s the plan anyway. So far it has been going great; I’ve lost 25 pounds this year! I just feel like I need to step it up a notch! I’d love to double that amount as my goal is to be a healthy and toned size 10/12
I’m really motivated, so I feel like now is the time to really kick ass! Hopefully I won’t have a moment of weakness and mess myself up. You know that moment when you are in the store and you see Hostess products on sale…. You think omg just one….just one! But then you have a whole box you have to finish so it doesn’t go to waste……and then it turns into that whole “I’ll start my diet after I finish the last of those darn Twinkies!” Ugh! I can’t allow myself to do this anymore. I have too many pairs of “skinny pants” that I can’t even squeeze my thighs into. Carbs are killer.

 It doesn’t help that favorite food is ice cream....*GASP* I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! It's always a good time for ice cream!  My other favorite food is potatoes. I have such an unhealthy relationship with potatoes!! It’s like that movie Forest Gump…. I have this whole Bubba complex about potatoes like how he had about shrimp. I love potatoes all kinds of ways; French fries, mashed potatoes, potato salad, baked potatoes, hash browns, baked potato soup, breakfast potatoes, potatoes with bacon, and potatoes in tacos…. Omg I could go on and on. It has to be the absolute worst food to be your favorite when trying to eat healthier. Speaking of French fries….It’s sad that McDonald’s fries smell that much better when you know you can’t have them!! **Side note: If you know what McDonalds smells like, you are most def. a fat kid at heart!
It also doesn’t help that my fiancé’ is a chef, and is an amazing one at that! He makes everything taste soooo yum! Everything he makes is melt in your mouth flavorful! The risotto, bacon wrapped anything, loaded mashed potatoes, his stuffed chicken….. holy monkey! If I want him to continue cooking for me, I’m going to have to start working out consistently. I think that’s a great trade off!

So here is little list of things I have changed thus far:

1)I don’t drink soda… just tea and water. I don’t even crave soda anymore, which is awesome!

2)No white foods….meaning no pasta, rice, sugar or flour. Everything is whole wheat....splenda is cool…. And I actually love the frozen brown rice from Trader Joes!

There is at least one green vegetable for dinner….at least one.

There is no junk food in my house, which helps.

I can cheat on the weekends but I still won’t drink soda or go too crazy!

And lastly….. I will walk/jog/run/dance/workout 3-5 times per week 30 min (+)

So, wish me luck!! If you enjoy my blogs PLEASE hit the SUBSCRIBE button!!
….here I go….kicking it up a notch..... Starting now!!!!!

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